Day 14: Shepherd's Bush Library - He couldn't stop smiling #30days30libraries


In Shepherd's Bush Library today, I was handed a book.It was a Thai phrase book and dictionary.Its owner was a young child, perhaps not quite three.IMG_0859.jpgI had just had a new library card issued (a process of less than three minutes) and was now sitting in the slightly spaceship-like work zone, on one of the computers that sat in a row.The child toddled towards me and handed me the phrasebook and when I feigned delight, promptly went back to the shelves to bring me another.He seemed giddy that there was an endless supply, sitting, waiting, to be passed over.I believe we might still be there now, giving and receiving books, if his mother had not physically stopped him in the end."Thank you," I told him, each time.He didn't speak back.But he couldn't stop smiling.


Day 15: Chipping Barnet Library - Without libraries what have we? #30days30libraries


Day 13: Oxford Central Library - My happy place #30days30libraries