Day 27: Isleworth Library - Good for other stuff too #30days30libraries


It's day 27 but another library first. In Isleworth, the building the library is in is shared with a leisure centre.IMG_1107.JPGIMG_1105.JPGOne of the leisure centre staff told me that quite often the swimmers used the library but the gym users didn't tend to because they are too "hardcore."What I loved about today's visit was what was happening in the children's library. A group of girls were sitting around a circular table. There weren't enough of the larger chairs for them all and so one of them sat on a little chair.IMG_1101.JPGThey were very busy. I thought that they were another lot of revisers but when I looked at their table I could see that there was something more creative going on."We are making a scrapbook for our friend," they told me. "She's leaving the country and so this is our goodbye present."There were seven of them there, cutting away and sticking; the table was covered with photos of them all together, scrunched-up paper and pens.IMG_1102.JPGI asked them if they had finished their exams and they said they had."We revised in the library because it's quiet. But it's good for other stuff too," they acknowledged. 


Day 28: Kew Library - Where he'd rather be #30days30libraries


Day 26: Norfolk & Norwich Millennium Library - This one's for sharing #30days3olibraries